
Clinics & Services

All GP practices are contracted to provide "essential services", that is, basic treatment of ill people. We also provide the following additional services:

  • Contraceptive services - including implants & coils.  
  • Cervical smears 
  • Maternity services - antenatal and postnatal care provided together with the midwives from The Queen Elizabeth University maternity and The Princess Royal Maternity. Call the Midwife directly to book your first appointment- 0141 347 8422.

We also hold contracts with GGNHSB for the following services:

  • Regular monitoring by blood and urine tests - for patients on a range of drugs for arthritis and bowel problems.
  • Hypertension - annual review.
  • Chronic Heart Disease - annual review.
  • Asthma - annual review.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis - annual review.
  • Atrial Fibrillation - annual review.
  • Stroke/TIA - annual review.
  • Chronic Kidney Disease - annual review.
  • Diabetes - annual review.
  • Mental Health - annual review.
  • Epilepsy - annual review.
  • Thyroid - annual review.
  • Atrial Disease (PAD) - annual review.
  • Multiple sclerosis - annual review.
  • Methadone substitution programme.